If the Ramsey County Library does not have what you need, we may be able to borrow it from another library for you. This free service is available to everyone with a library card issued by or registered with the Ramsey County Library. To borrow via Interlibrary Loan, you must owe less than $10 in late fees.
Borrowing via MNLink is the quickest and most convenient way to get your item if we do not have it in our collection. Once you have searched our catalog for the title and cannot find it, use MNLink to search and request from the collections of lending libraries across Minnesota.
If you cannot find your item in MNLink you can Ask a Librarian for assistance or call your local branch and we will start a broader search using WorldCat.
If you are looking for a recently published book, audiobook, eBook, or DVD, please use our Suggest a Title form instead. We can not request any item we own or have on order via Interlibrary Loan.