Suggest a Thing "*" indicates required fields Your SuggestionThe Library welcomes suggestions for Things to add to our collection. If there is a Thing you would like to suggest that we purchase, please fill out this form. Click on "Submit" when you are finished. Please note: Things have a size restriction of 8" x 12" x 18"Name of Thing*Description of Thing*Where Did You Learn About Your Suggestion?Tell us where you heard about this itemYour InformationIf you would like to have the item held for you, let us know your library card number and pick-up location.Name First Last Library Card NumberEnter the last four digits of your library card numberPickup Location- Select -RCL - MaplewoodRCL - Mounds ViewRCL - New BrightonRCL - North St. PaulRCL - RosevilleRCL - ShoreviewRCL - White Bear LakeThis form is protected by reCAPTCHAIf you require an alternate submission method, please contact us.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.